UIA Pedagogy
The Academic
Recovery Project
Investigating, testing, & driving academic recovery
for students in graduation-critical classes.
Overview & Objective
The Academic Recovery Project aims to systematically explore and test interventions for gateway courses with high failure rates. Specifically, it supports students who have previously earned a D,E, or W (D-grade, E-grade, withdraw) and are looking to retake the course.
As a University Innovation Alliance initiative, its goal is to apply and scale Georgia State University’s foundational Accelerator Academy model on our campus and other participating UIA campuses.
The University Innovation Alliance: the leading national coalition of public research universities committed to increasing the number and diversity of college graduates in the United States.

Status & Next Steps
This grant is in progress and will conclude Spring 2025.
Next steps are to continue to collect and analyze data to create and refine a sustainable program.
The team engaged in data-driven exploration and program development in close partnership with departments, faculty, and students. Through collaborations with the College of Science, University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, and School/College Academic Advising Offices, the team established the student-facing U Succeed Pilot Program which was initiated in the summer of 2023.
Once impacts are studied, the program will be refined, replicated, and scaled to other courses across departments.
Students who have previously earned a DEW in the offered course are invited to retake the course in a discreet section. Those who enroll are offered a partial course scholarship and additional academic support such as student success coaching, peer tutoring, and supplemental instruction.
During summer of 2023, the Math department offered Math 1050 (College Algebra as the first course of the project. In spring 2024, Math 1050 was offered again, and in summer 2024, BIOL 1610 was offered. Currently (Fall 2024), we are offering MATH 1050, MATH 1030, and CHEM 1210.
Dr. Lindsay Coco
The UIA’s Project Overview available through the University Innovation Alliance Lab.