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The A.I.I.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Student Success

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UIA  Data


Driving more adaptive & responsive teaching through
AI-powered insightful, aggregated feedback.

Overview & Objective

The MAPS Project is a student-centric initiative to chart the rapidly evolving higher education system and surface inequities to higher ed decision-makers. Its purpose is to Model, Analyze, Prototype, and Share how the changing structure of higher education may help or hinder the creation of equitable outcomes for students. It focuses on visualizing high-quality data to chart critical trends on student demographics and institutional performance.


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The project is in partnership with the Sorensen Impact Institute, the National Institute for Student Success at Georgie State University.


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Status & Next Steps

Dashboards are currently live and being maintained.


Teams created three interactive dashboards that deliver actionable insights to higher education leaders and decision-makers:

  1. Student Trends and Enrollment Projections (STEP), which visualizes relationships between population data, enrollment data, and the potential impacts of trends like distance learning.
  2. The Institutional Equity Outcomes Dashboard, which displays national IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) data around key themes including enrollment, retention, graduation, and outcomes to surface and examine disparities in institutions.
  3. The Financial Health Dashboard, which offers a first-of-its-kind visibility into the financial health of more than 3,000 colleges and universities nationwide and the system as a whole.


The MAPS Project is a three-year initiative. In 2022 it launched the Institutional Equity Outcomes Dashboard. Since, all three dashboards are in production.


headshot of jim agutterJim Agutter


screenshot of maps dashboardscreenshot of maps project website


Last Updated: 12/2/24